
Active Surveillance FAQs

Q:  What if I choose not to treat my prostate cancer?

A:  Some men opt for Active Surveillance or Watchful Waiting instead of taking action to treat their prostate cancer. Cancer treatment is a very complex and personal decision that should be based on individual beliefs, family support, and expert physician guidance. Your age and overall medical status should be a factor in your decision, as well.

Q:  How do Active Surveillance and Watchful Waiting work?

A:  Though slightly nuanced, both options are essentially the decision not to treat prostate cancer. They involved frequent screening regimens to monitor the disease’s status and progression in the body. Some men choose to simply postpone treatment until tests indicate that it may be advancing, while others choose not to treat it at all.

Q:  Is if very risky to postpone prostate cancer treatment?

A:  Prostate cancer is called a silent killer for a reason. It can advance very quickly and without warning. On the other hand, some prostate cancer never advances and those men may eventually succumb to any number of other medical or age-related conditions before their prostate cancer is ever a problem. Older menmay have more pressing medical conditions that require treatment before addressing the prostate cancer.

The challenge is that today’s diagnostics do not allow us to say with any certainty what the speed or severity of your prostate cancer will ultimately be. Keep in mind that delaying prostate cancer treatment can also take an emotional toll on men and their families, as they can be filled with worry about the disease’s status.