
Help! I'm Going to the Bathroom Multiple Times a Night

Mar 08, 2024
Disrupted sleep is bad enough on its own, but it’s especially intrusive when it involves multiple trips to the bathroom throughout the night. But don’t worry: Nocturia is a common problem, and it’s also highly treatable.

You’re not alone in those seemingly never-ending nighttime trips to the bathroom. Around 50 million Americans experience nocturia, or waking from their sleep to urinate two or more times during the night. 

Nocturia isn’t just an annoyance or a “normal” part of aging — it’s a sign of an underlying urinary system issue that needs treatment. Studies show that people with nocturia often experience sleep deprivation and impaired physical function. In fact, about one-quarter of night-time falls in older adults are directly tied to nocturia. 

Without treatment, nocturia can affect your whole quality of life and drag you down.

At David B. Samadi, MD, in Midtown Manhattan, New York City, board-certified urologist Dr. David Samadi and our expert team provide empathetic care for nocturia and other urinary issues. Let’s explore the causes of nocturia, and treatment options that can help. 

The causes of nocturia

Nocturia involves producing too much urine only at night, producing too much urine at all times, or difficulty storing and releasing urine from your bladder. Sometimes multiple factors may be at play. 

The root cause of these problems can range from simple to complex, with common factors including: 

  • Drinking excessive fluid shortly before bedtime
  • Medication side effects
  • Sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea 
  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure
  • Untreated bladder stones
  • Hormone fluctuations during female menopause
  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in men 
  • Pelvic organ prolapse in women 

Dr. Samadi works with you to determine the root causes of your nocturia, beginning with a thorough symptom review, health history, and lifestyle evaluation. We usually ask our patients to keep a bladder diary for about three days. This involves taking notes on what kind of fluids you drink, how much, and how often you go to the bathroom. 

Your bladder diary can help us determine what’s going on within your urinary system, and tests (blood tests, bladder scans, urinalysis, and others) can provide additional valuable details. Dr. Samadi may also perform an office-based procedure called a cystoscopy to view your bladder and urethra (urine tube) in detail. 

How to stop your nighttime bathroom trips 

We won’t rest until you have your restful nights back. We provide personalized nocturia solutions that range from simple lifestyle changes (i.e., limiting caffeine and alcohol) to medical interventions like taking medication, controlling a contributing health condition, or resolving a urinary obstruction with robotic surgery.

No matter which path is right for you, it’s important to sustain new lifestyle changes after you complete treatment, especially if your lifestyle habits are found to play a big role in your nocturia. Returning to old habits could lead to nerve, vascular, or other types of general health problems, and your nocturia could come back. 

You deserve to rest comfortably at night, without the aggravation and stress of constant bathroom trips. At David B. Samadi, MD, we’re ready to help you leave all that behind.

Dr. Samadi sees patients in our Central Midtown Manhattan office throughout the week, and at St. Francis Hospital and Heart Center in East Hills, New York (Long Island) once a week. Phone our office for an appointment, or contact us via our easy online scheduler at anytime.